Friday, January 20, 2012

A Week in China

As we read The Story About Ping this week, we took a journey throughout China and along the Yangtze River.  Here is our week in China:

We traveled across the ocean and entered China.  We then went searching for the Yangtze River where Ping lives.  The Great Wall of China was our next scheduled stop.  Old Crow was fascinated by the language we heard spoken along the way.  Back in our room, we rested and then created our own Paper Plate Ping as a keepsake.

Today we saw boats along the yellow water of the Yangtze River and learned that boys used to wear barrels on their backs to float.  So we also experimented with buoyancy and played in the water (learn more about our adventure)

After we dried off, we went in search of the elusive panda.  What an awesome creature!!  We saw them in their natural habitats, and they do love to snack on tons of bamboo.  We were able to compare and contrast them with the ducks we had seen.  Back in our room, we decided to make panda cupcakes!  They were cute and yummy!

Bright and early, we went out and saw many Chinese flags.  We attempted to make our own Chinese flag and we added it to our collection of flags.  

While in town we heard news of a well-known missionary in China, Lottie Moon.  She was known as the "cookie lady" because she made cookies for the natives to help build relations and familiarity in a foreign land.  So we made cookies in her memory.

Today we studied illustrations in The Story About Ping and noticed how the pictures give the impression of water moving.  So we practiced drawing Ping and portraying his movement through the water.

While out touring, Old Crow noticed the people using chopsticks while eating.  So we let him give it a try.

Then we came across several felt ducks and used them to practice math story problems.  Old Crow began giving a dramatic retelling of Ping's story, and he did quite well.

Our last day in China we went in search of some authentic Chinese cuisine.  We filled up on rice and egg rolls!  And of course we had to practice again with the chopsticks.

Our time in China was drawing to a close.  On the way home we read Two of Everything, Tikki Tikki Tembo, Children Just Like Me, and Look What Came From China! Chinese culture is fascinating and I'm sure we'll be talking about this trip for a while.  We made it back home safe and sound...but with some exhausted and sleepy kiddos in tow.  :)


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